Nationalities in French(masculine and feminine) 1. The feminine form is usually constructed by adding an –e. Ex. anglais + e = anglaise 2. If the masculine form ends in -en or -on, double the n and add an -e for…

Nationalities in French(masculine and feminine) 1. The feminine form is usually constructed by adding an –e. Ex. anglais + e = anglaise 2. If the masculine form ends in -en or -on, double the n and add an -e for…
What do you look like? How to describe yourself and others in French. You will need some common verbs conjugated in the correct tense and adjectives. Attention! All French adjectives agree in number (singular or plural) and gender(masculine or feminine) with…
Zodiac signs – Quel est votre signe du zodiac? ou What is your zodiac sign and what are the characteristics associated with each of the signs? Revision of masculine and feminine adjective agreement in French. Signes du zodiaque